I hooked up the blowing hose on the Shop Vac… blew a bunch of dust and yuck off… wiped it down… took it inside… and here it is in it’s new home. I absolutely love what it’s done for the corner of the hallway. Blah and boring to a POP of color… and a great place to...
It runs for almost 40 minutes on a single charge and sucks up dust, debris, and even beads, pieces of string, and googley eyes in my kids’ rooms. The hand vac feature is incredibly convenient too. Zojirushi Water Boiler– If you love making hot tea or French press coffee, a water b...
One thing Kat did while she had the laptop apart replacing the LCD display was to blow compressed air into the fan exaust port to “clean” the dust out of it. Unfortunatly this blew a killer dust bunny back into the fan jamming it. This is what caused the fan to “fail”. These f...
1) First, my Passat is blowing warm-to-slightly cool air even when the A/C is set to the lowest temperature with maximum fan speed when it is hot outside, and it leaves me sweating inside the car. But it works fine and blows normal cold air when it is cool outside. What could ...