根据第一段”The medicine that I take for my rheumatoid arthritis (类风湿性关节炎) causes me to wake up in the middle of the night with a dry mouth.(我吃的治疗类风湿性关节炎的药让我半夜醒来时口干舌燥。)”及“I awoke at 2:30 a. m. needing water. I was walking back upstairs from...
In January of 2017, I discovered the story of a man who was able to reverse his rheumatoid arthritis with a whole food, plant-based diet. I dove into the research and read many success stories about people going into remission or completely getting rid of their autoimmune diseases. I read...
In rheumatoid arthritis, the ends of bones can get a bit rough and, if there’s a tendon in the way, it’s kind of like running a bit of twine over a saw blade. So, it had to go. In fact, not one to do stuff by halves, the surgery extended to removing lumps of chronically ...
I developed an excruciating related autoimmune condition similar to rheumatoid arthritis. It came with a terrible prognosis of a shortened life due to progressive joint and organ failure. I skipped the chemo-drugs-for-life prescription and did a full immersion in natural healing methods. Within two...
My mom has rheumatoid arthritis. She needs medication to manage her condition. My dad has high blood pressure and the doctors say that he may need a surgery in the future. If he does, there's no way my family will be able to pay for it. My parents say that we'll cross that ...
My mom has rheumatoid arthritis. She needs medication to manage her condition. My dad has high blood pressure and his doctors say that he may need a surgery in the future. If he does, that will be way my family will be able to pay for it. My parents say that we'll cross that ...
I want to share my story with you. Calling radiology The results of the long-awaited bone scan indicated that I had no sign of “metastatic or osteoblastic lesion.” Since the purpose of the test had been to look for inflammation (from Rheumatoid Arthritis) and not cancer tumors, I called...
before it was too late. We both wondered if maybe she had a form of rheumatoid arthritis, especially since there is known juvenile RA. My professor-mind boggles to think that Grandma was born before antibiotics were discovered/purified, orsecond wave feminism, or Israel; what challenges must ...
It is with great pleasure that I am able to share my story of how I used the Paleo diet to heal my rheumatoid arthritis. My name is Kinsey, and I’m one of the nutritionists here atPaleo Plan. It’s an interesting story of how I came to be a nutritionist, and it all started wh...
My mom has rheumatoid arthritis.She needs medication to manage her condition.My dad has high blood pressure and his doctors say that he may need a surgery in the future.If he does,there's no way my family will be able to pay for it.My parents say that we'll cross that bridge when ...