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I'll translate you their latest message. You'll see that even though I detailed everything, talking about Q-Codes related to BIOS they're stuck with memory incompatibility and false claims and some rubbish explanations to avoid doing anything about it. "Hello Mr xxx,Thank you...
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I'll translate you their latest message. You'll see that even though I detailed everything, talking about Q-Codes related to BIOS they're stuck with memory incompatibility and false claims and some rubbish explanations to avoid doing anything about it. "Hello Mr xxx,Thank you...
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Excel error during opening on Mac OS Ventura 13.3.1: code signature not valid I always receive the following error when opening Excel on Ventura 13.3.1 what didn't happen with previous version of Ventura. Any helpful hints welcome: Process: Microsoft Error Reporting [1275] Path: /Applications...