Your presence nearby can soothe them if they become startled or agitated, allowing them to relax and fall back asleep. If your puppy starts crying in the night, they may either need to use the restroom or they may want attention. If they want attention, comfort them by sitting by their ...
There are so many animals in the world, but dogs are my favorite animals. They can be as small as an apple, like Cup Puppy. While they also can be as big as a lion, such as Tibetan Mastiff. Usually, they are black、white and brown. With two short straight ears、a pair of black ...
There are so many animals in the world, but dogs are my favorite animals. They can be as small as an apple, like Cup Puppy. While they also can be as big as a lion, such as Tibetan Mastiff. Usually, they are black、white and brown. With two short straight ears、a pair of black ...
Not only he never had this type of relationship or closeness to someone before, he seems to have aloud himself to put his walls down and feel and do what he really wants for the first time. I was actually a happy with the kiss because that was the first time he expressed his feelings...
“bride gene”. I never pictured my dress. Never dreamt of a wedding. Hell, I never imagined myself being married at all. I remember more often than not, when someone asked me my plans for the future or my wants and desires, my response was, “I want to take over the world.” ...
In this article, I will share my experience of having a pet and how it has enriched my life. I have a pet dog named Max. He is a Golden Retriever and is six years old. I got him when he was just a puppy, and since then, he has been my constant companion. Max is a very ...
If you noticed that your dog has sunken eyes, you're right to be concerned; sunken eyes can be a symptom of something serious. Consult your vet as soon as possible.
If your dog’s poop-eating behavior started when they were younger, they may be doing it for attention. Your dog may have learned that if they try to eat poop, you will run over to stop them. This gives them the attention that they crave, so they may continue to eat poop whenever ...
From training him as a puppy to making sure he gets enough exercise and attention, having a pet has definitely made me more disciplined and organized. It's also taught me to be more patient and understanding, especially when he has accidents or gets into mischief. Overall, having Max in ...
It’s eight o’clock on Christmas morning, and my dad says he wants to listen to the news. My 11-year-old self is wondering why on Earth grown-ups would be interested in the news when there are important things to be done, such as handing out presents. And then, while I am only...