bravery, sword-slashing, boundary-setting, empathy and self-borne permission to fail miserably as you reconstruct everything you once knew to be “true”. After all, you were split into one million pieces for the greater part of your adult life. You might need a minute or two. ...
It’s bad enough that I had to watch him squash beers and devour cigarettes and give a sermon about water infrastructure, now I have to wrangle him like he’s an actual fucking puppy? I know I said I wanted for him to smell more like an animal, but not like this. I swipe us back...
We get back from that adventure, and one of the boys sitting at table next to ours, a table that I will note Mrs. Teacher did NOT put ME in charge of, points at his friend and says: “Peter ate a clam shell.” I start explaining, again, that first these are not clams, and sec...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged garden, Grandchildren, puppy | 7 Comments » Summer of the Bird October 13, 2020 by Jaci Dawn The imposed lock-down that kept most of us home over the summer proved to be a boon to the hobby of back-yard birding. There were reports that birds chang...
and despite having a koala nose and sad puppy-dog eyes, she always attracted too much male attention because she’d developed early, and way out of proportion to her height. Glee was also scary smart, a baby yuppie down to the bone. Her little red Saab wasn’t from her dad- dy: she...
A Camp A Change Of Pace A Closer Look A Craze A Day To Remember A Fine Boat, That Coffin! A Foot In Coldwater A Giant Dog A II Z A New Generation A Perfect Circle A Place To Bury Strangers A Rocket To The Moon A Secret Society A Shelter In The Desert A ...
Weeding! Trimming! Pruning! Mulching! Fall planting! Naturally, my two-year-old will follow me about like a well-trained puppy, pulling only actual weeds, never picking up my pruning shears and definitely never using them to chop into my roll of landscape fabric. ...