It’s incumbent on Medi-Share Members to call PHCS directly to confirm the provider you want to see is covered under the Medi-Share PHCS system. That said, the anecdotes of providers being unwilling to bill Medi-Share have still had happy endings. In particular,this mother’s cancer treatm...
He has a long wish-list of other changes he wants made. The leaders of two major Nebraska health provider systems say they haven’t seen any impact from the BCBS defection because there are many other insurers and products on the market. The executives were not surprised by the move given ...
scenario. I mean, this could be really bad. It's not like most other EM jobs in the United States isn't going to require me to be a Medicare/Medicaid provider. I can't just go find another job. In some ways, it would have been better to be fired. At least then I would have ...