What ColorShouldPoop Be? Every individual has a different normal. Most experience brown stool, which is caused by the bile; a fluid excreted by the liver that helps to break down certain kinds of dietary fats. Normal levels of bile turn your business from a yellowish to that familiar brown ...
It may be greenish brown, then greenish yellow, and finally yellow (or a yellowish brown). The consistency will change, too, from sticky to soft. Why is my baby's poop green? Your baby's poop may be green for any number of reasons, such as: Not getting enough hindmilk when breast...
Today is her 5 th day she is again feeling feverish since 2 hour, body temperature is around 99. 3 degree, and her poop is light greenish to light yellowish colour and is liquid. Pls suggest that it is normal.?79 Views Answers (4) Like the ...
yellowish, and sometimes green. It's usually due to foods you've eaten, medications you've taken, and how much bile (a greenish digestive fluid) it contains. But poop that looks black or bright red can be a sign of bleeding. So, even if you think you know why it's happening, ...
Yes, in my stool I have found these whitish, yellowish kidney bean/garlic clove/navy bean/ almond shaped masses. I have no idea what the hell they are, but it is a little freaky. It is not medication casings because I am not taking any pills. However, I did have my gallbladder ...
I have a yellowish discharge I just lost my virginity two days ago I lost my virginity! Are these symptoms common?? After having intercourse, my vulva is swollen and I have yellow, sticky discharge i have a yellowish discharge and bleeding from anus. Worried that I might have STI. I...
On his patches, he is ripping out, I have looked at them closely and there is no raw, exposed scabs but on one there is a yellowish tint to a bumpy skin abrasion. But only on that one. No oozing of any sort. He is still very affectionate and playful for his age. What's the ma...
Later, when I realized what the yellowish tint was supposed to suggest, I started thinking of the effect as “Serrano-vision”, after the artist who became (in)famous for photographing sacred objects immersed in his own urine. None of this helps me suspend my disbelief over the creature. I...
“Schlitz Lite Ice” type of guy). Later, when I realized what the yellowish tint was supposed to suggest, I started thinking of the effect as “Serrano-vision”, after the artist who became (in)famous for photographing sacred objects immersed in his own urine. None of this helps me ...