Hi. I have a big problem. I have diarrhea and there is blood in my stool. I have lost my weight and sometimes I feel pain in lower abdomen. What could that mean? Remove Ads hixenbaugh2344over a year ago Hi. I had exactly the same symptoms and I was diagnosed with colon cancer. ...
This is the sexiest thing I've ever had! Just too good! I LOVED IT! I really don't want to gross you out, but your poop really smells sexy. It has always been my fantasy and I always thought it will be very bad in reality! Tell you what! I was wrong! I already had a lot ...
Healthy poop should be a medium-brown color, courtesy of the leftover bile from your gallbladder (which helps break down your food). It also consists of bilirubin, which is created when red blood cells exit your body at the end of their life cycle. While brown poop is the norm, your ...
She evenpooped! Luckily this room is equipped with a sink so I can wash her up. She already poops like a big kid now, so I don't really like to use wet wipes only, rasa macam tak bersih :P Mommy cleaning littletottilla(pet name given by MrComot :P) One of the faces, before ...
I can not afford to take her to a vet...so here I am. I have just noticed while cleaning out the litter that there was what looked like drops of blood on...
Lady is currently still at a pet store but she is a sweet puppy and we've had our... (10437 views) My dog is pooping blood. What does it mean when a dog poops blood? I woke up this morning and there was... (696572 views) Kitten's eye is sealed shut. My kitten got either ...
Why Is My Poop Red? Certain foods can cause reddish-colored stool, especially beets and those with a lot of red food coloring, like fruit punch or red gummy candy. Like black stool, red stool can also be a sign of blood in your feces. While darker stool can indicate that blood is en...
If your baby has an allergy, you may also see streaks of blood in their poop. If they have a food intolerance, they may be gassy and unusually fussy. In either case, their green poop may also be frothy, and they may be gassy and spitting up. Green foods. Once your baby is eating...
My Dog’s Poop Looks Like Jell-O with Blood If you findbloodin your dog’s poop but they’re acting normal, it’s not a license to ignore the problem and hope that it goes away. If your dog experiences the unholy combination of mucusandblood in their stool, it suggests that they ar...
* Track blood glucose measurements & insulin injections * Track heat cycle, breeding and childbirths * Track titer testing * Track feeding * Track allergies * Track training skills * Track pee and poops * Track the walks and workout activities with your pet ...