“Now go to sleep, kid.We are staying out here tonight!” said one old man.Resting their hoes against the wall, they sat or squatted nearby,smoking Chinese pipes or chatting in loud voices...Gradually,I fell asleep.They didn't leave until daybreak; and at dusk they came again, bangin...
The very sight of their kind faces and deeply concerned eyes drove the fear away from my heart."Now go to sleep, kid. We are staying out here tonight!" said one old man. Resting their hoes against the wall, they sat or squatted nearby, smoking Chinese pipes or chatting in loud ...
The sound may come from the pipes connecting the heater to the water line, the gas pressure relief valve, or the blower motor on some models. If you hear a continuous high-pitched sound from your water heater, it may be a bad blower motor. Also, check for loose pipe fittings and corro...
Old buildings of limestone, square simple shapes, dusty streets, more cars than one can imagine. A general rumour, car horns, constructions noises, traffic jam reached my ears. It was the most dense, vibrant and mindblowing top view of a city. It was so big and so alive as if it was...
But seeing that, despite all, I and my chimney still smoke our pipes, my wife reoccupies the ground of the secret closet, enlarging upon what wonders are there, and what a shame it is, not to seek it out and explore it. "Wife," said I, upon one of these occasions, "why speak...
they sat or squatted nearby,smoking Chinese pipes or chatting in loud voices...Gradually,I fell asleep.They didn't leave until daybreak;and at dusk they came again,banging their hoes on the flagstones as if to tell me:Don't be afraid,kid.We are here with you.No one dares to hurt ...
根据文章倒数第二段"I knowwhattheyactuallymeantbymakingthe "noises" wastoremovefearfrommymindandreassureme: theywererightoutsideourwindows!"(我知道他们发出"噪音"是为了消除我的恐惧,让我安心:他们就在我们的窗外!)可知,村民们发出声响是让作者知道有人在陪伴他和妹妹,让他们安心睡觉,故选A项。(2)B.词义...
At first, you thought it was the wind or maybe the pipes groaning in the old house. But the scratching noises grew louder at night. Then you found it—tiny droppings in the pantry and gnawed corners on your favorite wooden chair. A chill ran down your spine. Could it be? Yes...
@OldTownToronto lunchtime jazz duo @AndrewMarzotto guitar + @AndrewMcAnsh trumpet in loose gig. Shoppers walking by, trucks with backup alerts, and car noises on The Esplanade behind. The musicians weren’t responsive to my request for songs from this century, the old standards are more famili...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux