手机死机是一件很令人窝火的事情,但是死机不要说my phone is dead,真正的意思手机没电了。 死机是手机最常见的故障之一,不同类型的死机的英文表达也不同。我们可以直接说break down,也可以用下面这两种表达。 我的手机死机了 My p...
My phone is frozen. 我手机死机了。 单词提炼 phone [foʊn] n. 电话,手机 frozen [ˈfroʊzn] adj. 冷冻的,死机的 ⭕口语圈儿 会员课内容: 脱口句应用对话2组+知识点深度解析+连读发音详解+AI智能跟读测评 今日关键词: 搞什么鬼,老古董旧机子,重启手机,关闭应用程序,屏幕没反应... ...
phone [foʊn] n. 电话,手机 frozen [ˈfroʊzn] adj. 冷冻的,死机的 ⭕口语圈儿 会员课内容: 脱口句应用对话2组+知识点深度解析+连读发音详解+AI智能跟读测评 今日关键词: 搞什么鬼,老古董旧机子,重启手机,关闭应用程序,屏幕没反应... ...
直接表达:My phone broke down.(我的手机死机了。) 分情况表达: 卡住不动的死机 “It's frozen.”或“My phone is frozen.” 从字面意思理解是 “被冻住了”,形象地描述了手机卡住不动,就像被冻住一样的状态。 例: I tried to open an app, but my phone is frozen and unresponsive. 我试图打开一...
结冰的;冰冻的”,其实frozen还有“不能动弹的”的意思。My phone has frozen. 这里不是手机结冰了,而是手机不能动了,卡住了或者死机了的意思哦,嘻嘻~~crash常见的词意是“撞击;坠毁”,其实还有“崩溃”的意思。My phone has crashed. 在这里是崩溃的意思,也就是手机死机了。手机没电了的几种表达,大家...
My phone is frozen and can’t turn off what do I do? I can’t get out of the Amazon white screen to go to nothing. Can receive texts but much later on notification banner. Can’t receive phone calls. Can’t turn off phone loud screech when trying. Help? Posted on Jan 21, 2022...
My phone is frozen and locked and I can’t open it any ideas My iPhone is frozen and black help iPhone 11 Pro Max, iOS 16 Posted on Nov 18, 2022 6:11 AM (1) Me too (1) Reply Question marked as Top-ranking reply User profile for user: Raicya Raicya User level: Level...
This is acutely very simple and a bit similar to fixing “my iPhone is frozen and won't turn off”. You will lose all your data. So, backup your data beforehand. Here is a step-by-step guide for you on how to restore iPhone with iTunes: Launch iTunes and connect your iPhone to...
Step 1:Make sure your iPhone is connected to the internet and that Location Services are turned on. Step 2:If that doesn't work, try restarting your phone or signing out and back in to the Find My iPhone app. Step 3:If all else fails, contact Apple Support for further assistance. ...
How to Fix Issues with Black/Frozen OPPO Phone Screen Step 1: Check if the Power button and Volume button are Stuck or Damaged Can the power button and volume button on your mobile phone be pressed? Has the phone been exposed to water or liquid recently? We recommend you go to theservic...