ass作为一个口语高频词汇,当它和某些单词短语组合,它就不再是屁股了。 save one‘s ass 其实,这句话不要按直译的意思理解哦。 save my ass它真正表达的是: “救了我的命,帮了我的大忙”。 save your ass: “帮你擦屁股,帮你收拾烂摊子”;“救你命...
Save time and money by using your debit card to pay bills, eliminate the need to write checks, buy stamps or worry about mail delays.Getting started is as easy as 1-2-3: Step 1 Contact Contact companies that bill you monthly. Step 2 Set-up Provide your debit card information ...
Save your physical cards and display them in the form of a barcode or QR code More Info Notifications Real-time updates for any funds debited from or credited to your accounts More Info Pay Bill Convenient bill payments to a multitude of billers ...
钱包wallet 付款pay vendors 收款receive money 平摊费用 split bill 信用卡还款 card repay 转发repost 支付pay 转账tranfer 公众号 officisl account 视频聊天 video chat 语音信息 voice message 微信小程序 mini program 添加朋友 add con...
【解析】A项waste,浪费;B项earn,赚取;C项save,存钱;D项pay,支付。结合前文我接受了免费课程,推断我认为这能省钱。故答案为C。结果一 题目 【题文】 During my second year at the city college, I was told that the education department was offering a “free” course, called Thinking Chess, for thr...
【极简、易用的聚合支付SDK】 go-pay 4793 2 nilaway Static analysis tool to detect potential nil panics in Go code uber-go 3275 3 kitexcall A command line tool for sending requests using kitex kitex-contrib 21 4 lux 👾 Fast and simple video download library and CLI tool written in Go ...
- Pay your bills. - Interbank transfer: possibility to transfer money from your bank account to another bank account c) Scan to pay you can now use your my.t money app to scan any QR code bearing the Maucas logo. The opposite works as well ie use another payment app to scan the my...
i must be dreaming i must fight i must find you i must pay for i must promise you i must settle an old i must tell her i n n d internet news i naturally wake up i nearly blushed i need a cup i need a love song ly i need a rich men too i need an answerlove i need five...
My Paycheck Calculator was created for those who wish to gain greater insight into their income taxes and estimate their take-home pay. You can use My Paycheck…
Since individual circumstances vary widely, there’s no one answer as to whether it’s better to pay down a mortgage or to save for retirement. In each case, you have to run your own numbers. Overall, however, don’t sacrifice the long-term savings goals of your retirement plan by focus...