While most students use MyOpenMath in connection with an instructor-led course, MyOpenMath can be used by students as a self-study resource. MyOpenMath provides interactive assessment to supplement several free and open math textbooks that can be read online, or printed copies can be ordered ...
They include courses created for the the Washington State Open Course Library project and the California ZTC Degree grant. The development of the IMathAS platform that powers MyOpenMath has been supported by several grant projects, sponsors, and community contributors, including: Washington State e...
My trigonometry course involves a lot of drawing, so I worked with several other instructors to createdrawing questionsin MyOpenMath. Students now can draw some complicated shapes, like ellipses, hyperbolas or trig functions. As with GeoGebra’s success, MyOpenMath’s drawing feature helps student...
Go to the Assignments page, and click +Assignment. Under Submission Type, select "External Tool" Click on the "Find" button, then on the MyOpenMath tool (or whatever name you used when you created the tool) How do I create an assignment in MyOpenMath? 1) In your MyOpenMath course c...
dream-num/Luckysheet - Luckysheet is an online spreadsheet like excel that is powerful, simple to configure, and completely open source. drew-royster/canvasFileSync - Syncs Canvas course files to your local computer feeddd/feeds - 免费的公众号 RSS,支持扩展任意 APP goooooouwa/goplan-web - Go...
This Activity/Course is more of a guide to explore at your own comfortable pace, and consider a reference when you need a refresher. Shoot, I even come back to it and reread my own tutorials to remember some of this stuff! It’s a LOT, so don’t get overwhelmed, friends! Take your...
🎉AND... Hold on, I've just launched my beyond-the-basics testing course, which is on a 🎁 limited-time sale until August 7th Table of Contents 1. Project Architecture Practices (6) 1.1 Structure your solution by components #strategic #updated 1.2 Layer your components,...
Of course, you could then combine this with simulated internal games as in the first step, but you’d be starting with a leg up from accumulated human knowledge. The third way would be to train on every natural-language book ever written about Go and try to produce natural-language ...
"https://www.icourse163.org/search.htm?search=%s", "icon": "...
The subject-based math category includes math courses that most students take in middle and high school, such as pre-algebra, algebra (1 & 2), geometry, precalculus and calculus. Generally speaking, course materials are deeper and broader than what is taught in a typical public school (e.g...