Elevate your ownership experience with the MyNISSAN app. Access service details, roadside assistance, control vehicle functions, including remote start/stop, and more.
Explore owners benefits at Nissan Owners. Download manuals and guides, log onto MyNISSAN account, and shop for accessories and parts.
The MyNISSAN App is available for use by all Nissan clients, though the experience has been optimized for vehicles 2014 and later. The complete MyNISSAN experience is available for clients with an active NissanConnect® Services Premium package, available for select models 2018 and newer.* For...
“validate” over a multi-day period, by the way… just WHAT?!?!?!). Support reads straight from a card and has no troubleshooting capability beyond the script. EXTREMELY disappointed with this app and with Nissan/Infiniti being so far behind every other competitor when it comes to ...
No matter where your customers are, MyStar is available by phone, email, text, online, or via a dealer-branded personal assistant app. We make it easy for your customers to connect and get the answers the need from anywhere in the world. ...
Des notifications riches vous permettent de voir et de faire plus directement à partir de votre écran de verrouillage en fournissant du contexte et des boutons d’action rapide qui vous permettent d’agir sans avoir à ouvrir l’application mydlink™....
搭载了新一代Nissan Connect超智联系统的2021款劲客,就是这样一个第三空间,其智能交互系统在合资SUV市场中,绝对称得上是代表作。首先,这套智能语音交互系统反应特别快,一句“你好,日产”就可以迅速激活语音控制功能。在该功能激活之后,你便可以在车机上为所欲为,比如语音操控车载导航、娱乐、天气、通讯等70种...
在2021款逍客身上,我们看到了东风日产在车联网领域的领先布局。2021款逍客搭载全新升级的车联网系统——Nissan Connect超智联,该系统进行了21项功能升级,进一步优化了语音控制、导航、远程控制等功能,并且可以OTA在线升级。升级之后,车辆的很多功能都可以通过手机APP来控制,例如闪灯、鸣笛、空调、车门锁、发动机、行车...
第14代轩逸搭载了最新的NissanConnect日产智联技术,提供多种车载APP和车载Wi-Fi功能,能够实现车机和手机之间互联,并支持语音操控。 除了智能互联,第14代轩逸还在智能驾驶方面提供了诸多领先配置,包括IFCW超视距碰撞预警,变道盲区预警(BSW)、车道偏离预警(LDW)、倒车车侧预警(CTA)和智能疲劳驾驶预警(IDA)等系统。 搭载...
全新奇骏能做到这一点,得益于其配备了升级的Nissan Connect超智联系统,该系统涵盖远程控制功能、语音控制功能、车载在线服务、远程实时监测、全时在线导航、在线影音娱乐等6大功能版块,其中,远程控制功能则是通过手机APP就能够远程控制空调、车门锁、发动机、行车记录仪、方向盘加热等开关和调节。上车之后,轱辘哥检查完...