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( ). you can find out more about how the nhs keeps online information safe, and what you can do to help with this, by reading the guidance note at ...
Thenlockdown will have to be reapplieduntil the deaths and cases are falling again, probably another 4-8 weeks. What the threshold for that will be is an educated guess at the moment, and depends on NHS capacity. It was great to build the 3 extra Nightingale hospitals, but last time I...
The Government constantly updated and changed the 1939 Register over time to take account of changes of address or deaths. When they introduced rationing in 1941, they planned it with information from the 1939 Register. The 1939 Register eventually formed the basis of the NHS registration system....
The NHS has been issuing these priority kits to people classed as CEV as part of a programme to get us tested quickly if we develop symptoms and, if positive and if appropriate, onto one of the new treatments. The drugs have been shown to reduce the risk of CEV individuals with mild ...
Well each day we are informed of more cuts to services, to the NHS and to the (hate this term) ‘benefits’ that we need to survive upon. There is no ‘benefit’ to being ill. The money people claim is what we all deserve. I worked until three years ago, I paid into a system ...
Obviously deciding to have the vaccine is a personal decision but I am so happy I am protected and just need to have my follow up injection in 12 weeks (as per the NHS advice). To find out more about the UK’s governments vaccine advice seehere. ...
Byline: By DAVID GREENWOODDaily Post (Liverpool, England)
“Hallam must have had a will.” They find it online. Tennyson was left “The Gleam”. “I know dark forces will circle but the Gleam was meant to inspire you to the mountain heights where I now wait. Know that the quest is everything.” ...
She currently works as a Royal Literary Fund writing fellow at NHS Kent & Medway. Queens of the Underworld tells of her journey into the lives of female crooks from the 17th century to today. Her upcoming book, Private Inquiries: the secret history of female sleuths, to be published in ...