The structure of Myf6 was obtained by comparing genomic DNA with cDNA sequence by NCBI BLAST (Fig. 2). Myf6 gene is located on the 40th Chromosome of P. trituberculatus. The full-length cDNA is 4,101 bp including an open reading frame (ORF) of 915 bp, a 5′UTR of 260 bp, and ...
“…data provided by scientific literature suggest a negligible or no effect of KD [ketogenic diets] on muscle mass with concomitant resistance training. KD may instead exert a protective effect against muscle mass loss during aging or during low calorie diets.”
1.2 NbMYB1R1 同源进化树的构建 在 NCBI 网站查找不同植物中 MYB 的氨基酸序 列,利用 DNAMAN 软件对 NbMYB1R1 的氨基酸序 列进行 Blast 比对,对同源性高的氨基酸序列采用极 大似然法(maximum likelihood)进行系统进化分析. 利用 MEGA 7.0 软件建立系统发育树.用于建立系统 发育树的基因登录号见表 2. 1.3 ...
Raw sequence reads have been deposited at NCBI Sequence Read Archive under project PRJNA769709, and the UNITE (v.8.2) database78 was used for all microbiome analysis. Data are additionally available at Data used to generate figures are available as sup...
respectively. Overall, only the annotated transcripts with an e-value < 1e−05 were considered. Transcripts with coverage and identity ≥ 50% in the concatenated NCBI nr and JGI Mycocosm database and PHI-base were retained. This concatenated database was used to sort fungal and plan...
ITS gene sequences were an- alyzed by sequence scanner software (version 1.0) (Guangzhou Aiji Bio Company, China) and the quality value (QV) of sequence > 20 was selected and compared in NCBI and Myo-bank databases. The identification re- sults were analyzed by the guide of CLSI MM18...
acc=GSE48213 #wget -c #tar -xf GSE48213_RAW.tar #gzip -d *.gz ## 首先在GSE48213_RAW目录里面生成tmp.txt文件,使用shell脚本 # awk '{print FILENAME"\t"$0}' GSM*.txt |grep -v EnsEMBL_Gene_ID >tmp...
We also used the sequences available on Genbank ( from the three genes in order to include all COI sequences available in this database for O. auyantepui (48 sequences) plus representative COI sequences of Oecomys species (... Accessed 22 June 2020. Popkin BM, Adair LS, Ng SW. Global nutrition transition and the pandemic of obesity in developing countries. Nutr Rev. 2012;70:3–21. Article PubMed Google Scholar Glanz K, Rimer BK, Viswanath K. Health behavior... Zhao S, Qiu S (2018) Changes of heavy metals in soil and wheat grain under long-term environmental impact and fertilization practices in North China. J Plant Nut. Article Google Scholar ...