a Macintosh girl in a Microsoft worldmoving to new digs, and open Q&A threadI've been meaning to do this for ages, but I've finally moved my blogging home from here on the MSDN...Date: 09/28/2010RTM, baby!!!I'm not often given over to exclamation points, but today is Really Tr...
Date: 06/28/2010Word Web-App–what are you missing?I was browsing through some online sources and came across this excellent blog post on comparing...Date: 06/15/2010Microsoft Case Studies: Energizer - Battery Giant Brings New Energy to Web Sites for Increased Customer Engagement...
Point to the top or bottom of a page until the pointer becomes a double-pointed arrow, and then double-click. To hide the margins again, repeat step 1. See also Set page margins in Word
“My Documents folder missing and I want to create a new Documents folder.” If you want to create a new folder and update the path address in the registry, you need to handle it with care because registry errors could damage your operating system. Let’s perform how to restore My Docume...
.Replacement.Font.Hidden = True .MatchWildcards = False .Wrap = wdFindContinue .MatchCase = False End With Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll Next i jdvelasquezThe following code will act on a list of words in Column A of the Excel workbook for which the path\f...
Click the "Insert" tab at the top and find "Screen Recording" in the toolbar. This option is usually on the right side of the tab. After clicking "Screen Recording", the screen will turn gray and a selection box will appear for you to select the area to record...
Description: Service logon—This is used for services and service accounts that log on to start a service. When a service starts, Windows first creates a logon session for the user account that is specified in the service configuration. Security ID: SYSTEM Account Name: SYSTEM Description: SYS...
怎么使用短语“the word is my oyster” ChatGPT ChatGPT 短语"the world is my oyster" 用于表达个人对无限可能性或自由的感觉,暗示一个人有能力实现成功或满足自己的愿望。以下是几种使用这个短语的方式: "Now that I've graduated from university, the world is my oyster, and I'm excited to explore ...
Microsoft* Windows* 7 and Windows 8.1 include the necessary AHCI drivers without the need to install separate AHCI drivers during the operating system installation process; however, it is always good practice to update the AHCI drivers to the latest available by Intel. 1.7.3 Intel® Rapid ...