認定資格 Microsoft 認定: Information Protection and Compliance Administrator Associate - Certifications Microsoft 365 デプロイを保護するためのデータ セキュリティ、ライフサイクル管理、情報セキュリティ、コンプライアンスの基礎を示します。 日本...
支持的Office 365客户端 Microsoft Teams 合作伙伴公司名称 AvePoint, inc. 公司网站 https://www.avepoint.com 应用的使用条款 https://www.avepoint.com/company/terms-of-use 应用的核心功能 了解MyHub,这是一站式商店,用于请求新的Office 365工作区 & 管理现有工作区。 MyHub 提供易于使用的预配、重新认证...
支持的 Office 365 客户端 Microsoft Teams 合作伙伴公司名称 我的AskAI 公司网站 https://myaskai.com 应用的使用条款 https://myaskai.com/terms 应用的核心功能 使用My AskAI,你可以上传团队的内容/数据,然后开始提问,例如 ChatGPT,但需要自己的知识库。 公司总部位置 大不列颠和北爱尔兰联合王国 () ...
Azure/azure-powershell - Microsoft Azure PowerShell LimerBoy/Adamantium-Thief - 🔑 (THIS CODE IS OUTDATED FOR NEW CHROME VERSIONS) Decrypt chromium based browsers passwords, cookies, credit cards, history, bookmarks, autofill. Version > 80 is supported. wakatime/notepadpp-wakatime - Notepad++ plu...
This does not sound like a problem specific to CSP Partners where this community is set up for, but more like a problem with a personal Microsoft Account outside of the scope of this forum. You can review guidance on how to set up MFA for personal ...
All available security and compliance information information for MyHub, its data handling policies, its Microsoft Cloud App Security app catalog information, and security/compliance information in the CSA STAR registry.
The myVisionbody Personal App was created for every Visionbody EMS system user with or without their own controlbox to track and store the personal training activity, watch Visionbody training videos, give quick, safe QR code access to any Visionbody classes in the nearest Visionbody EMS studio, ...
I create a QR code and put it at the end of the slides. This enables self-service, discovery and also saves me previous keystrokes. use slides.com or Google Slides? Microsoft has embraced OSS and purchased GitHub, so I wanted to find a way to explore integrating all of this. I’ve ...
Microsoft Forms I created an Office365 Forms form for my company a few days ago and sent it to the respektive individuals via email. The link is functional, and responses can be submitted as well. Now, when I tried to evaluate the responses, I couldn't find my form anywhere. It's ...
- Join Bharat Ki Apni professional community to build trust and love for your personal and business brand. - Upload videos to showcase and share everything about your personal and business brand in one digital page. STORIES: Let's Inspire Together - Watch and share the real story behind you...