“我的帐户”门户通过设置和管理安全信息、管理设备以及查看组织使用数据的方式,帮助你管理工作或学校帐户。 提示: 如果无法登录,请转到工作或学校密码重置,或联系 IT 管理员。 本文适用于使用组织的“我的帐户”门户的工作或学校用户。 了解如何获取有关Microsoft 个人帐户的帮助。
This article is for work or school users using an organization's My Account portal. Learn how to get help with your Microsoft personal account. Next steps Select to view or manage your security info Check your sign-in activity SUBSCRIBE RSS FEEDS Need more help? Wan...
https://myaccount.microsoft.com?tenantId=your_domain_name https://myaccount.microsoft.com?tenant=your_tenant_ID View and manage your language and regional settings Sign in to yourMy Account portalwith your work or school account. SelectSettings & P...
If you can't sign into your Microsoft account, most issues can be identified by our sign-in helper tool. The tool will ask you to enter the email address or mobile phone number you're trying to sign in with and check the details you provide. If we detect a problem with your account...
Verification code required Sign in REGISTER Stay signed in Forgot my password or Facebook Google Microsoft Welcome! We've built a new experience allowing you to keep track of your Lenovo products and orders, all in one place Account has been disabled. Click this link to reactivate.Sta...
Verification code required Sign in REGISTER Stay signed in Forgot my password or Facebook Google Microsoft Welcome! We've built a new experience allowing you to keep track of your Lenovo products and orders, all in one place Account has been disabled. Click this link to reactivate.Sta...
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Team, By mistakely i have added my gmail account because of that i am facing a lot of issues. Could you please update my email as - hazaraarbin@outlook.com Old id is - hazaraarbin@gmail.com candidate id - MS0996172422 Thanks Arbin...