今天开机的时候,突然发现需要输入BitLocker恢复密钥,一脸懵...根据提示,访问aka.ms/myrecoverykey查找密钥, Esc中很多方法也是需要输入密钥才能执行。。。 微软的登录页,输入微软账号(一般是outlook邮箱)和密码,然后找到需要解密的设备,查看详细信息, 找到Bitlocker数据保护,点击下方的管理恢复秘钥, 结果被告知:未将任何...
My Microsoft account has the device listed but not the key. I am looking for any option to either help assign a key to my account or if HP has access to the key. Tags: HP ENVY x360 - 15m-ds0011dx View All (1) Category: Others I have the same question 1 REPLY Jo...
问题: 提示BitLocker恢复,需要输入密钥 解决办法: 1.手机浏览器打开这个网址:aka.ms/myrecoverykey 2.按提示登录微软账号获取秘钥 3.获取后输入提示中的恢复密钥id对应的纯数字密钥(一长串都需要输入),然后按回车就可以了 发布于 2023-07-03 10:38・IP 属地四川 内容所属专栏 电脑故障解决建议 分享一些常见电...
當BitLocker 無法自動解除鎖定 Windows 中的加密磁碟驅動器時,需要BitLocker 修復金鑰。 此金鑰是 48 位數的數位,用來重新取得磁碟驅動器的存取權。 啟動時,系統可能會提示您輸入 BitLocker 修復金鑰,因為安全性風險或硬體變更: 您可能需要提供數據或外部磁碟驅動器的 BitLocker 修復金鑰,例如,如果您忘記解除鎖定密碼...
BitLocker recovery key is needed when BitLocker can’t automatically unlock an encrypted drive in Windows. This key, which is a 48-digit number, is used to regain access to the drive. You might be prompted for the BitLocker recovery key during startup, due to a security risk or hardware ...
问题: 提示BitLocker恢复,需要输入密钥 解决办法: 手机浏览器打开这个网址:aka.ms/myrecoverykey 按提示登录微软账号获取秘钥 获取后输入提示中的恢复密钥id对应的纯数字密钥(一长串都需要输入),然后按回车就可以了 如果帮到了您,感谢点赞关注投币!!!1
方法一:https://account.microsoft.com/devices/recoverykey可以通过此链接获取到48位BitLocker 恢复密钥。方法二:https://onedrive.live.com/RecoveryKey ,可以通过此链接获取到48位BitLocker 恢复密钥。如还是无法获取密钥,您可以尝试通过下载镜像来恢复电脑。更多镜像恢复的资讯,请参考 下载 Surface 的...
When I access my Microsoft account, I can see the correct device name and, when I click in, I can see the Bitlocker recovery key that is supposedly associated to this device. However, next to the recovery key there is a different device name, on the very same screen where at the top...
Anyone can suggest me how to find or regenerate bitlocker recovery key because i already check my microsoft account.","body@stringLength":"123","rawBody":" Anyone can suggest me how to find or regenerate bitlocker recovery key because i already check my microsoft account."...
要查找Microsoft账户的恢复密钥,可以访问aka.ms/myrecoverykey页面。以下是详细步骤: 访问链接:在浏览器中打开aka.ms/myrecoverykey页面。 登录Microsoft账户:使用与Windows设备相关联的Microsoft账户登录,通常是你用于解锁BitLocker的Windows邮箱账号。 选择设备:登录后,选择与账户相关联的设备列表中的设备。 找到恢复密钥:...