ex, ex-husband - a man who was formerly a certain woman's husband inamorato - a man with whom you are in love or have an intimate relationship iron man, ironman - a strong man of exceptional physical endurance ironside - a man of great strength or bravery adonis - any handsome young ...
5. a husband. 6. a male lover or sweetheart. 7. a male having qualities considered appropriately masculine: made a man of him. 8. a male servant or attendant. 9. a feudal tenant; vassal. 10. Slang. a male friend; ally: my main man. 11. Slang. (used as a term of familia...
The Word Whore drools over Tim Clare's gooey meat - reading new meaning into the most important meal of the day. Buttons pops his safety cap. 'Angry Phone Guy' rips into the Hilton's... twice. Your browser does not support the audio element. ...
The Word Whore drools over Tim Clare's gooey meat - reading new meaning into the most important meal of the day. Buttons pops his safety cap. 'Angry Phone Guy' rips into the Hilton's... twice. Your browser does not support the audio element. ...
I love to use it to please my husband. He likes it when I use it to make muffins. What did you think I meant? On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you Fandras? I mean, 10. Like, I’m totally an evil demon from hundreds of years ago who is just in Purgatory to wreak havo...
i love you goldie i love you i love you i love youill kill yo i love your husband i love your wives i loved my hair i loved shakespeare i loved studying chin i lurched forward i luv ue i m a king i m a mess i m always online i m ashley i m completely confus i m encyclope...
im going to the bathr im gonna get that key im gonna help you see im gonna marry someon im gonna pay for it t im gonna put this can im headed out there t im heading off for be im here so please exp im hiding im holding on your ro im hunched over emoti im hungry im in a di...
Video game movies kind of suck. Sure, they haven’t All been train wrecks, but there aren’t very many we can point to as great movies. Perhaps we can point toMortal Kombatas a fun genre piece to grow up with, or maybe we can even make a case that theTomb RaiderorResident Evilfra...
Lori got 2 months, her husband got 5. The chances that either of these turds serve those full sentences are SLIM. There was a headline about Lori being nervous about serving time amidst corona virus, as if she’d be put in a county jail swarming with people spitting on her or something...
Alex’s family is super-rich, and he asks Grace if she is sure she wants to join the family. Why wouldn’t she welcome a life of pampering and all the money she can imagine? She readily tells Alex that, yes, she is sure she wants to marry him. ...