Additionally, if you think they might be listening to your private conversations, you might want to find out if they are bugging your home or car. Maybe they aren’t spying on you, but you feel so insecure and lacking in confidence that you think everyone is watching you. In this case,...
its rush hour its so easy to find its so much fun when its so sad that youre its so weird to say t its supposed to be its supposed to be a its the circle of lif its the content index its the first thing p its the happy hour fo its the hours we give its the love line on ...
On the days I didn’t feel good I would make sure I went for a walk to keep active, or for a ride alongside Mr B as he ran, just to get some fresh air in my lungs. 8 weeks in after a fast morning ride around the bays I felt incredible. Light, happy, and with that satisfyin...
Holly ran after them, lungs straining, faster than she’d ever run in gym class, summoning every last bit of strength in her body. Coarse brush whipped her legs, but she surged ahead, Max’s stringy hair always just out of reach. She ran like she should have run back in the caverns...
doing that weird thing where they turn their beaks inside out. Strange creatures. Then had licuados, then i made S go parasailing as a last hurrah, she was inspired. Then back to pack and prepare for our turtle caper, then went and got a last ceviche. Then to the airport with a very...
I decided my lungs were ruined and quit smoking cigarettes, weed and meth all at the same time. Luckily I didn’t get addicted to meth (i was so scared from taking too much I to this day am to afraid to even think of going near it). However I did go through withdrawal for ...
they all add up and I feel like I’ve become this super crazy persons I do not like at all and I often feel ashamed and also shocked by my thoughts and reactions towards this (I find myself sometimes screaming my lungs out silently with baby in my arms so that I don’t terrify him...
So, again, I breathe in and feel my lungs expand with air. I listen to the water trickle in the aquarium. I hear the far off hum of tires on the road. Others have begun their days. I’m trying to remember that we are all linked, but I feel the embers of anger stirring beneath...
23 years old when you took your last breath. But it was 30 years ago that your lungs first felt air. Three decades since you left the warm waters of my womb and introduced yourself to the world. I wish that I had paid closer attention to each moment, studied the way you smiled and...
on lime green socks and a smile to tour a geyser four hours later, hang on to her for dear life. (i had a different friend lose her passport while we were in ireland once. on the way to search for it, she sang at the top of her lungs. i have not loosened my grip on her.)...