Tickle Bear·1/16/2019 Copy Link That’s a good idea. KittentheKitten·4/30/2019 Copy Link Well, it was probably a reference to that snippet of an avengers movie a was and I heard cursing in twice. Or meteors. Or they just did that thing in cartoons. ...
It's a little disappointing that he never had a speaking role since his debut 2-parter. He didn't even show up when the pillars were trying to fight off Tirek. Kilmarnock228·10/26/2019 Copy Link Disappointing, but not exactly uncommon, unfortunately; his voice actor also played Pharynx,...
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I wouldn't want to do any business with that fellow myself, unless I had a fence-post along. Your grandmother's snake-cane wouldn't more than tickle him. He could stand right up and talk to you, he could. Did he fight hard?' Antonia broke in: `He fight something awful! He is ...
Tickle Bear·5/25/2020 Copy Link I like the idea of him being the Element of Magic. Out of the six species of the young six, Griffons seem the most anti social, and Twilight Sparkle was the least social of the mane six at first. Both characters learn what friendship is because of ...
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