For this character's human counterpart, see Applejack (EG). Applejack is a female Earth pony and one of the main characters of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. She lives and works at Sweet Apple Acres with her grandmother Granny Smith, her older broth
Singers: Rebecca Shoichet (Twilight Sparkle), Ashleigh Ball (Rainbow Dash and Applejack), Andrea Libman (Fluttershy), Shannon Chan-Kent (Pinkie Pie) and Kazumi Evans (Rarity)My Little Pony, My Little Pony Ah, ah, ah, ah... (My Little Pony) I used to wonder what friendship could be (...
Applejack (Honesty) Rarity (Generosity) Fluttershy (Kindness) Rainbow Dash (Loyalty) Ponyville (1234 Characters) Ponyville A-C (256 Characters) 8-Bit Abyssinian King Abyssinian Queen Accord Ace Point Admiral Fairweather Admiral Fairy Flight Adventurey Cantertine Pony Agitated Campaign Assistant...
Ponyville is featured in theMy Little Pony Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. Notable characters Residents Apple Bloom Applejack Aunt Holiday Auntie Lofty Big McIntosh Bulk Biceps Caramel Cheerilee Cheese Sandwich[note 1] Cozy Glow(formerly) Cranky Doodle Donkey ...
Applejack: Wait a minute! Let me get this straight. You're a pony? Rarity: You're a princess? Fluttershy: You're from another world? Twilight Sparkle: [gulp] Mm-hmm. Rainbow Dash: That... is... awesome!Pinkie Pie: If I only had some kind of... party cannon that could decorate...
Applejack toys from various My Little Pony generations.Merchandising is the driving force behind the My Little Pony franchise. The My Little Pony Friendship is Magic retail toys come in several varieties: Playful Ponies, which are the standard size G4 toys; Fashion Style ponies, which are the ...
"This exciting deluxe junior novel is based on My Little Pony: The Movie, releasing in theaters October 2017, and will feature a full color insert with still from the film! Join Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy on the adventure of their lives!"...
Cake reveals to Applejack, Apple Bloom, and Big McIntosh that she used to be close friends with their mother Pear Butter, who helped her earn her cutie mark, and that before she married Carrot Cake, her name was Chiffon Swirl. It is also revealed that she served as a witness to Pear ...
Houses are the buildings characters live in. A character's house must be built before that character can be welcomed, but in cases where multiple characters live in the same house, the house only needs to be built for the first character; subsequent char
Applejack My Little Pony: A Amizade é Mágica Rainbow Dash Big McIntosh Spike Principais páginas desta semana Personagens 1 Twilight Sparkle 2 Rarity 3 Fluttershy 4 Pinkie Pie 5Advertisement My Little Pony: A Amizade é Mágica Wiki 1 704 páginas Explorar Página principal Discussões...