portrayed by Lucy Lawless (“Xena: Warrior Princess,”“Spartacus”) in “My Life is Murder.” As season two begins, the big news from the show is an epic “Xena: Warrior Princess” reunion with Lucy’s cast mate Renee O’Connor, who...
However, there is some satisfaction to be had. When Mari’s parents cleverly set traps inside their house for the murderers to fall into there are cheer out loud moments of celebration for the audience. One murderer even gets his penis bitten off. Suspension of disbelief must be given to j...
Set in the fictitious rural town of Gatlin, Nebraska, the film tells the story of a malevolent entity referred to as “He Who Walks Behind the Rows” which entices the town’s children to ritually murder all the town’s adults. This is under the guise of ensuring a successful corn harve...
the little mouse got up early and dark every day to go out to catch insects, fertilize and water. Whenever it is tired and sweating, it will say to itself: "Although it is very hard, I dont want to live a life of stealing
I try to explain to her the power of the line, “My name is for my friends, and my friends are not murderers!”, but I can’t pull it off. We hustle back into the car before the nomad reaches us and pull away as he holds up some small crafts he wanted to sell us. Our ...
This is the last of my Christmas murder mystery reviews for this year (though there will be more crime). It's a very engaging, if distinctly... January 08, 2025 ArticleatNow Appearing - Brian's blog So-called embarrassment quotes revisited ...
Thankfully, Mi-ho’s dad is around to mimic my disapproval. Arms across his chest and his whole body radiating major hell-no-this-ain’t-happening energy, Mi-ho’s father explains that he values Mi-ho’s life more than the unborn child, and he’s not going to approve of a marriage...
Why does he insist that her name is Miss Eliza Gillingham, daughter of a viscount, who disappeared fourteen years ago after the murder of her own mother? A murder Eliza is said to have witnessed. When Felton returns Eliza to Monbury Manor and reunites her with a man who is told to be...
He has not ended abortion, same-sex marriage, transgenderism, the murder of the innocent through war, idolatry or anything that we as followers of Jesus Christ should care about. I understand the desire to hope for a reprieve and to “Make America Great Again”. However, I have not seen...
Love the bright colors at the markets! One warm March morning, I set up my art display at a new market in Sayulita. It was the first day of its existence, and no one knew what to expect. I was already selling at four other markets, but this one was literally steps from our door....