If you have visited my blog before you may have wondered where I’ve been the past three years. In summary, the second half of life began in a way I did NOT expect. I moved back into my rental house, renovated and remodeled to reflect MY colors and MY Style,(more on that later)an...
which functions both as a laptop and tablet, is the one I use the most and fits my daily life perfectly. If I need a bigger screen or a wider keyboard for faster typing, I'll step up to my standard laptop. But because I regularly commute to work on the train, I love having...
In a competitive economy, you want to control what information appears about you when HR or College Admissions officers do Google searches to try and find out more about your background. Take full control of your career, education, and life. ...
In previous years, I gave thanks forten of my favorite people from 1918,ten of my favorite illustrators from 1919,three of my favorite women illustrators from 1920(Neesa McMein turned out to have had such a fascinating life that that was all I could manage), and, in 2021,the friends I...
January 30, 2007 Yay! I’ll be posting here six awesome videos and six photos that I found interesting in my blog. I realized that I will be embedding six videos in this post and it will make the post longer. As a result, it will load slowly. So that’s why I decided to post ...
lifei6671/interview-go - golang面试题集合 prasmussen/gdrive - Google Drive CLI Client cheat/cheat - cheat allows you to create and view interactive cheatsheets on the command-line. It was designed to help remind *nix system administrators of options for commands that they use frequently, but...
Many people use Google Photos to bring all their images together in one place, and while it can be fun to take a trip down memory lane by looking back at all your photos on a screen, it might raise questions such as how do I print Google Photos and bring them to life in one click...
The link with my work named F#555 is very clear; this project highlights what I experienced in almost 30 years of evolution of computing. In F#555, I use data found on wasted floppy disks and bring them back to life by transforming them into images, sounds, videos... The floppy disk ...
“My partner”, I would usually say; hiding behind the ambiguity of business partner / life partner. How do I expect people to be brave when I am so timid myself? But then again, I won’t know whether it is good to be too brave too, ...
You could even expand this even further by synchronizing photos from cloud services such as Google Photos to have a constantly evolving photo frame. For the best experience with setting up your Pi as a digital photo frame, we recommend you stick with the full desktop variant of Raspberry Pi ...