Whose side are you on~? 107 May 5, 2024 #1061 Fireworks~ <3 107 Apr 30, 2024 #1060 Behind the Wall 9~ (S7) 106 May 13, 2024 #1059 Behind the Wall 8~ (S7) 104 May 13, 2024 #1058 Behind the Wall 7~ (S7) 105 May 13, 2024 #1057 Behind the Wall 6~ (S7)...
I left her in good hands. Rainbow Dash: What are hands?Applejack: Oooh! Somepony's got a crush on the new guy! Twilight Sparkle: No. No, I don't. Rarity: [gasp] She does! She absolutely does! Twilight Sparkle: Don't be ridiculous. I don't even know him. He just... Pinkie ...
Wolf Parade – EP 4 Listen on Spotify With the exception of their incredible 2004 debut, “Apologies to the Queen Mary”, I have always loved the side projects of Wolf Parade’s members more than I have loved Wolf Parade themselves. But it’s still exciting when they are doing things tog...
i cant go outside wit i cant ignore it if y i cant place your fac i cant recall her nam i cant stand to fly i cant take your hand i cant until im the u i cannot be too grate i cannot point out i cannot pretend that i cannt to find a way i canrt take it anymo i cant ...
42. “Zero Percent” ‘Danger Days: The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys’ B-Side (2010) Reprise 42. “Zero Percent” ‘Danger Days: The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys’ B-Side (2010) “Zero Percent” was released exclusively as a B-Side to the “Na Na Na (Na N...
(C) Basidiospores (the two on the left side are germinating by repetition). Bars=10 μm. Dalmau plate culture on corn meal agar: Pseudohyphae and true hyphae with clamp connections are absent. Sexual state: In nature, N. sebacea is mycoparasitic and found in association with fruct...
Eun-joo’s know-it-all attitude is really bugging me. I’m sure her issues with her mom are making her side more staunchly with her father, but she never even tried to understand Jin-sook. Regardless of how she perceives them as parents, she doesn’t know anything about their marriage...
if i ever had a harbo if i ever thought of if i fail - if i succ if i fall along the w if i go outside if i had known for ju if i have wing if i m pale if i make you feel se if i need help if i remember alright if i should leave thi if i smile if i still your...
Love the crafty card-playing story beat - seeing that sociopathic side of Eun-Ha venting was hilarious 11. Best Analogy in Lover's Complaint: "Even a penguin will give a rock to another penguin it likes to win their heart!" 12. Cat is out of the bag: The surprise twist that Jae...
8.About 30years ago.I left Cuba for the United States with my son.After getting settled finally in Brunswick.New Jersey.I enrolled my son in kindergarten.Several weeks later.my son's teacher asked me to meet him at his office.In the teacher's office.