又 名无悔今生 My Left Foot: The Story... 编剧Christy Br...Shane Conn... 主 演丹尼尔·戴-刘易斯布兰达·弗里克阿莉森·惠兰科斯汀·谢里丹Declan Croghan 剧情 任何成功的取得都不会是一帆风顺的,对正常人况且如此,更不用说对于像克里斯蒂这样大脑有残疾的人了,然而克里斯蒂却是一个敢于与命运抗衡的人,所以...
" Robert Downing Jr. once said to never go full you know what. Well, Daniel day lewis didn't do that in My Left Foot, okay? So chill… The story of Christy Brown. An artist, writer, hopeless romantic, and son. An inspiring movie and inspiring performance by Daniel Day Lewis. They ...
My Left Foot: The Story of Christy Brown: Directed by Jim Sheridan. With Daniel Day-Lewis, Brenda Fricker, Alison Whelan, Kirsten Sheridan. Christy Brown, born with cerebral palsy, learns to paint and write with his only controllable limb - his left foot
【爱尔兰影片:我的左脚 My Left Foot】 是在优酷播出的电影高清视频,于2020-06-19 00:33:37上线。视频内容简介:【爱尔兰影片:我的左脚 My Left Foot】
《我的左脚》是1989年英国爱尔兰电影,改编自爱尔兰作家克里斯蒂·布朗的自传,描述了因小儿麻痹症而全身瘫痪的布朗依靠唯一可以活动的左脚来改变自己的人生,并成为画家和诗人的故事。 【导演】吉姆·谢里丹 【主演】丹尼尔·戴·刘易斯,布兰达·弗里克 【剧情】任何成功的取得都不会是一帆风顺的,对正常人况且如此,更不用...
paralysis of the body near the left foot only a boy can be so easily Chris Di,disability,self-pity from his natural anger,after childhood,young adult period so,how and to accept the fact that defects,live from my half a lifetime experience,adapted from a real life story is an ...
76 每个人都是上帝咬过一口的苹果(无悔今生 / My Left Foot: The Story of Christy Brown)贝多芬说过,成熟的人会适度地忍耐自己,就像他适度地忍耐别人一样。如果你天生残疾,失去肢体,不会说话写字,这辈子算完了吗?———用干净温柔的声音陪伴你,讲述他和她的故事。相信总有一款声音能治愈你的精神内耗。这是读...
My Left Foot is Christy Brown’s inspirational story of his early life, his battle against the restraints of cerebral palsy and his struggle to learn to read, write and paint, all with the aid of his left foot. 作者简介 ··· 克里斯蒂•布朗(1932—1981) Christy Brown 爱尔兰作家、画家...
Imagine being a prisoner of your own body,unable to make any movements except to move your left foot.The main character in My Left Foot,based on the real story of cerebral palsy (大脑性麻痹) sufferer Christy Brown,can barely move his mouth to speak,but by controlling his left foot,he's...