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“Yep! I’m getting everybody in your family a Kindle! You tell Tim he can have all the books he wants, and you send me the bills. When he gets done with The Scarlet Pimpernel, you tell him old Neezy wants to talk with him about it.” “Yes sir! Bless you, sir!” Epilogue S...
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1 My book is now available in Aus/NZ as an ebook. The link is below and is also posted in comments below. For UK/US readers you can also find a Kindle version on Amazon. http://www.ebooks.com/ebooks/book_display.asp?IID=496215 ...
This is a book that I have had sat on my Kindle for far too long, I do adore this author and I have read several of his books. Nero is the first book in the trilogy and it is a great introduction to his family and how he became known as Nero. ...
You don’t need a Kindle device: you can install the Kindle app on any smartphone/tablet/computer/etc. I have compiled links to programs in some countries below. Please check your local Amazon website for availability and program terms. US, list of my books (US) UK, list of my books ...
Supports e-books by storing associated links in the book card. AMB is compatible with Acrobat Reader, Sony Reader, Kindle, Rocketbook, and all popular e-book formats. Supports playback of Audiobook files stored in the book card. AMB is able to playback MP3, WMA, M4A, Audible (AA, AAX)...
After college, I resolved to read one book a month. It can be fiction, non-fiction, technical, business-oriented, or whatever as the goal was to always be absorbing and digesting new ideas and information, even just for fun. With the Kindle app and travel, that was always easy. In 202...