“well, I can get and use this now and I will have something nice for my k-cups to be in when I move to my new apartment because all of this stuff is going with me. The Keurig isn’t staying here because dad doesn’t like it or really use it. So that will just be one less...
I make a note to hide Belle and put in on the Keurig. As a single mom, I’m the only elf handler in the house so I can’t screw this up. And my kid already knows about Santa now, so it’s really me being judged here, I can’t even blame it on the housekeeper who might h...
I decided to attach a habit to another habit. It has always been my habit to visit the coffee machine a few times a day. I attached the new habit of doing a set of squats while waiting for the Keurig to brew its sacred brown elixir. So, I often did do some exercise,...
I always enjoy my visits to see the Milligan’s. We had a great last day and I was headed home the next morning. Keith was working part-time for a few more months, so on the weeks he works, I head to Arkansas to spend a little time with my daughter and her family. It’s quiet...
He rests in bed and in his recliner as much as possible and has been doing his honey dos around the house fixing my new Keurig, Whitney’s brakes, the front glass door and all of the other annoying things that pop up. He’s been working when he can but the pace is definitely not...
No, the pic below is not my new mini Keurig coffee maker. It's actually the AZ-GTi mount! That's all there is and it's all you get. I only show it with my coffee cup for scale purposes... Although I can use this mount manually, I'll need power to use the tracking or GoTo...
I typically have a cup of coffee from our Keurig when I wake up each morning. I usually have one cup on work days and 2-3 cups on weekends. I’ll be conservative and estimate 30 cups of coffee per month. Due to my recent blood pressure wake up call, I’ve decided to cut down ...
Saigon Market International Grocerieson 831 S.Kerr Ave. @saigonmarketilm (since 1994) **we stopped by here and found some unique teas, spices & sake Asian Life Marketon Market St. DINNER | Tandoori Bites View this post on Instagram
I’ve been using Mint.com for several years, and I love seeing how compounding and small changes in my lifestyle has made a huge difference in the bottom line. Just checked back to see my “net worth trend” and I was at -$150,000 in 2010, but on the plus side a whole $38k no...
working… taking their time, using their hands and primitive tools, and savoring the hard-earned end result. I love meeting people who do things the “old-fashioned way,” because I’m more likely to pack my dishwasher to the gills and turn the knob, hit the button on the Keurig, and...