My jump 2应用程序测量大学生下肢垂直刚度的信度和效度 宋维君, 毛鑫玉, 陈超, 王志海, 曲开源, 杨明明, 王丹 Reliability and validity of My Jump 2 application to measure lower limb vertical stiffness of college students Song Weijun, Mao Xinyu, Chen Chao, Wang Zhihai, Qu Kaiyuan, Yang Mingming, ...
Jean-Benoit Morin (PhD, sport scientist, University of Nice): “My Jump is the cutting edge, scientifically validated and most practical application to measure athletes vertical jumping performance, and the only one to include the complete "Optimal Force-Velocity Profile" analysis we recently validat...
jwma/jump-jump - 开箱即用,Golang 开发的一个功能完善的短链接系统。URL shortener service developed with golang. akiyosi/goneovim - A GUI frontend for neovim. pluveto/upgit - Another upload hub that supports clipboard. It works well with Typora, Snipaste, VSCode. wabarc/wayback - An archiv...
Jean-Benoit Morin (PhD, sport scientist, University of Nice): “My Jump 2 is the cutting edge, scientifically validated and most practical application to measure athletes vertical jumping performance, and the only one to include the complete "Optimal Force-Velocity Profile" analysis we recently val...
My Jump, a mobile application for iOS and android devices, uses the device camera’s frame-by-frame analysis to calculate flight time and jump height. Recent studies have found almost perfect agreement between the force plate and My Jump for measuring CMJ height using either time in air (...
直接下载,解压,拖入Application里就 ok 了。打开看看。 怎么感觉不太对,虽然你的背景变黑了,但依然掩盖不了你的丑啊。 没事儿,先天不足,后天努力嘛。 告别黑底白字,整出最骚终端,开始吧。 on my zsh 主角是它,拥有了它,你一定是你们组最靓的仔。
New MVA courses and Jump Start content are now available at,...Date: 03/03/2013Windows Azure Store: New add-ons and expanded availabilityWindows Azure Store is now available in 25 new markets, bringing the total count of supported...Date: 03/03/2013...
Jean-Benoit Morin (PhD, sport scientist, University of Nice): “My Jump 2 is the cutting edge, scientifically validated and most practical application to measure athletes vertical jumping performance, and the only one to include the complete "Optimal Force-Velocity Profile" analysis we recently val...
device. Probably most importantly, it also includes an AI player to play against. But my favorite feature that made it into this release is that it also has the “variable setup cards” from Pond Life, so you can very quickly and easily jump into a game with different setups and peg ...
I really haven't changed that much. I'm still today likely to jump if out of the corner of my eye I see a copper-colored leaf move, but I'm also much more likely to face my fear, and seek out opportunities that put me in situati...