we abandoned the game and took to chatting under a tree; the two of us have oodles in common, and it was one of the most enjoyable hours of the entire internship. When the official game ended (Todai came in dead last; I am among my people!), the grad students piled onto the bus ...
I tried to describe the pain to Dean when he asked: This is what it feels like when my elbow locks, this is where it spasms through my shoulder, up my neck, and through my right side ribs, this is what each finger feels like, and this spot on my wrist, and this spot, too, and...
I half expect it to happen, while the other half is trying even harder. It’s a self-destructive process, I know. 2 —THE ROSE TREE Sometimes it grows. I haven’t been to the Rose for a while. For some it’s one of the best pubs in Sydney, for others it’s not. Last ...
The tree trunks offer a wonderful contrast to the red maple leaves. The color, the texture, the orientation. This one is definitely not a dazzling one but one that its taste lasts a long time. 特他把一組褐色樹幹放在右邊,強調質感和顏色的對比。 Finally, the sun. 雖然山後仍然烏雲密佈,太陽...
My dad dug up and moved a Japanese Maple tree, sat it on top of the ground, put a little dirt around it… it has thrived for 12 years, my husband diligently followed the care instructions for an 80-year-old bonsai tree for 2 months, until it died. Every evening, my father enjoyed...
Here it is, Jill! Parked next to one of the two new Japanese maple trees that we planted along the side of the house, along with one gingko. I was ecstatic about all four purchases. The maple leaves will turn different colors ranging from green to yellow to orange to red. The gingko...
“Baconator“: Homemade bacon-infused bourbon mixed with a hint of maple syrup and a few dashes of orange bitters. It was strong and smokey! “Great Annihilater“: This was easily the strongest cocktail, simply a mix of brandy and two different vermouths. Aptly named according to the mixol...
Starting the trip to Italy in the domestic lounge, with a domestic Canadian VQA Sauvignon Blanc. Asked Omari to serve DY the smallest taste possible, we’re not really drinkers. Booked on a direct but not nonstop flight, so we may see the international lounge in Montreal. (Maple Leaf Lou...
Pandemic Operations in Japanese Ski Resorts: These differ between resorts and regions but mask wearing and distancing is generally the norm. Notes: COVID-19 cases have fallen dramatically since the peak of its third wave in August. At the beginning of October, the country dropped its coronavirus...
Pandemic Operations in Japanese Ski Resorts: These differ between resorts and regions but mask wearing and distancing is generally the norm. Notes: COVID-19 cases have fallen dramatically since the peak of its third wave in August. At the beginning of October, the country dropped its coronavirus...