美国伊利诺理工大学(IIT)是美国三大理工院校之一,始创于1890年,经百年发展更已成为一所实力雄厚的具有授予博士学位资格的综合性私立大学,一直以来,被USNEWS 和Princeton Review 推举荣居全美高校百强之列。学校培养的毕业生成为公司总裁、副总裁或经理人数比例位居全美前15位。学校座落于芝加哥市区,校园环境优雅,设施先进...
He is a proud alumni of Kent State University. He and his wife Nikole love to travel to Alabama to watch the Tide football games, cook, play golf and find new restaurants. They also look forward to their February trips to new countries, recently Costa Rica and the Turks & Caicos Robert...