My husband rushed me to the hospital. After doing scans, the senior doctor looked at my report and said to my husband, " Your wife has grade 4 B (the highest grade) lympho-m a (淋巴瘤). It is too late because her organs are now shutting down. "I could feel my spirit actually ...
My husband advised me to find something else to do, but I refused to___Seeing this book___was the best thing that has ever happened to me. It’s a mystery story (like all the others) and it was on the best-seller___two weeks after publication!I got...
- Sheila, you never told me that your husband died. I'm so sorry.- Don't be. It happens.当有人说“It happens”,可以理解他们在表达“生活就是这样了”,可以用来安慰别人(但一般不用在严重的场合),或者当糟糕的事发生在他们自己身上时表示无奈。 07:11 Lots of women just forget to put in tha...
The hunchback went into a long rigmarole, mentioning names and places that were unknown to the listeners on the porch and seemed to have nothing to do with the subject. "So Fanny and Martha Jesup were half-sisters. And I am the son of Fanny's third husband. So that would make you and...
- Sheila, you never told me that your husband died. I'm so sorry.- Don't be. It happens.当有人说“It happens”,可以理解他们在表达“生活就是这样了”,可以用来安慰别人(但一般不用在严重的场合),或者当糟糕的事发生在他们自己身上时表示无奈。 07:11 Lots of women just forget to put in tha...
“There’s nothing to discuss,” shouted my husband when I told him that Rose, our 17-year-old daughter, had asked whether she could go to Kavos, Greece, for a holiday with her friends. “Of course she can’t. She’s too young to travel w1.the presence of an adult. It’s comple...
His atitude in that race buit a fire in me!When it was time for the race, I stayed behind this guy's wife almost the whole race. I kept her in view butstayed close behind. Then I saw him! There her husband was not in the race like the year before. I'll never forgethis words...
Most page turners are piano students or up-and-coming concert pianists, although Ms Raspopova has once asked her husband to help her out on stage. “My husband is the worst page turner,” she laughed. “He’s interested in the music, feeling every note, and I have to say: ‘Turn, ...
'DEAR COUSIN MARGARET DAWSON,-I have been much grieved to hear of the loss you have sustained in the death of so good a husband, and so excellent a clergyman as I have always heard that my late cousin Richard was esteemed to be.' "There!" said my mother, laying her finger on the...
Courage is being scared to death… and saddling up anyway. ~John Wayne One summer vacation, I allowed my husband and our three sons to talk me into going horseback riding. I’d never been on a horse in my life. Horses scare me. They look at...