Thea Mottram is having a bad month. Her husband of nearly twenty years has just left her for one of her friends, and she is let go from her office job–on Valentine’s Day, of all days. Bewildered and completely lost, Thea doesn’t know what to do. But when she learns that a dis...
But afterwords I am worrying as is my husband. We worry he will be the kid parents don’t want to be around. We do have a few understanding friends, but are also hearing from family that he is like this because he doesn’t have enough social interaction. He is an amazing little ...
My story is not unique but common among many children raised by narcissists and alcoholics. Narcissistic parents break their children down until they depend entirely on them for everything: food, warmth, and clothing. The child becomes an extension of the narcissist; they do whatever they say w...
For example, my husband is extremely detail oriented and a big planner/forward thinker. When there is a project in the home that has to be done and he wants to share it with me or ask for my opinions, he will give me so much info that I tune it out or I will get very upset be...
This is not the first time he has punched my husband, and I can see it is getting to him.Help?Thanks, StephanieHi Stephanie,It can be tricky to give parents advice when all I have to go on is a snapshot of their situation. I invariably have many more questions than answers, but ...
I was in my early 20s, emotionally immature and going through the death of a family member. Eventually I got over it and the friendship recovered. After my relationship ended I became single again & over the last year I've seen a lot more of my friend. We've gone on hikes, a...
Yes, his parents are VERY domineering he is treated like the second husband when it comes to his mother. His mother tried to tell me what to do once and I happily put her in her place hence the altercation, but boyfriend cannot say no to his mummy or daddy. When he's alone I ...
Why? He’s emotionally immature, angry, and needy…..and selfish. Very selfish. (“GF, I want you around but won’t marry you” “Sorry, daughter, do this unreasonable thing so I don’t have to be an actual adult and deal with difficulty”). If he dups her, he will find anot...
If you are using acalmtone,appreciative,open, andpositiveabout your request, your husband could also get defensive despite the fact you are being really effective if he is emotionallyimmature. That’s a more rare case. Men feel criticized because women oftenframesomething they want as a complain...
My boyfriend and I are both mid-30s and have been dating for a year. I have two kids and an ex-husband and he has never had kids or been married. He met my kids 6 months into dating and for the next 6 months only hung out with them 3 times. I didn’t inv