7 seasons available (306 episodes) Despite being born powerless into a super-powered world, Izuku refuses to give up on his dream of becoming a hero. He enrolls himself in a prestigious hero academy with a deadly entrance exam. To make the grade, he’ll have to put in some serious stud...
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Stream and watch the anime My Hero Academia on Crunchyroll. Izuku has dreamt of being a hero all his life—a lofty goal for anyone, but especially challenging for a kid with no superpowers. That’s right, in a world where eighty percent of the population
L'épisode 156 est disponible en streaming sur Crunchyroll Mohamed MirAprès la diffusion de l'épisode 18 de la saison 7 intitulé « It's a small world » (le 158ᵉ de toute la série) , les site web et réseaux sociaux officiels de l'anime My Hero Academia ont révél...
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7 seasons available (306 episodes) Despite being born powerless into a super-powered world, Izuku refuses to give up on his dream of becoming a hero. He enrolls himself in a prestigious hero academy with a deadly entrance exam. To make the grade, he’ll have to put in some serious ...