in:Characters,Males,Emitters, and8 more English Sign in to edit SPOILER WARNING This article containsHEAVY SPOILERSfor theMy Hero Academia manga. Please read at your own risk. Overview Gallery Synopsis Relationships Both this sham-filled society... and the criminals who wield their power in the...
Of the 144002 characters on Anime Characters Database, 24 are from the ova My Hero Academia: UA Heroes Battle.
Over 29K fans have voted on the 70+ characters on Best 'My Hero Academia' Characters, Ranked. Current Top 3: Shoto Todoroki, Eraserhead, Eijiro Kirishima ...
My Hero Academia: Rescue! Rescue Training11 characters assigned My Hero Academia: Training of the Dead14 characters assigned My Hero Academia: Two Heroes31 characters assigned My Hero Academia: UA Heroes Battle24 characters assigned My Hero Academia: You're Next5 characters assigned ...
Name Himiko Toga Other Names 渡我 被身子, Yakuza Toga Role Antagonist Primary Assignment My Hero Academia Media Type anime Voiced By Misato Fukuen, 福圓美里, ふくえん みさと Voiced By Leah Clark, , Voiced By Isabella Guarnieri, , Tags school uniform, odango, blunt bangs, fangs, knee...
My Hero Academia Wiki 3,091 pages Explore World Characters Media Community in: Quirks, Mutant Quirks, Class 1-A Quirks English Tail Sign in to edit Tail Quirk Information Japanese Name 尻しっ尾ぽ Rōmaji Name Shippo Quirk Description User Mashirao Ojiro Quirk Type Mutant Quirk Range ...
Over 29K fans have voted on the 70+ characters on Best 'My Hero Academia' Characters, Ranked. Current Top 3: Shoto Todoroki, Eraserhead, Izuku Midoriya
Explore My Hero Academia's strongest female characters, featuring Mt. Lady, Midnight, and the uniquely skilled Mirko.
My Hero Academia the Movie - Two Heroes: Regia di Kenji Nagasaki. Con Daiki Yamashita, Kenta Miyake, Mirai Shida, Nobuhiko Okamoto. All Might e Deku accettano un invito a visitare I Island dove combattono contro un cattivo che prende il controllo dell'os
Pet houses modeled after My Hero Academia characters Deku, Bakugo, and Todoroki are now available for pre-order in Japan.