My Heart Hurts Dax 717 作曲: Daniel Nwosu Jr/Alex Nour/Nicolas Berlinger My heart hurts我的心好痛 I gotta get this off my chest我得把这件事说出来 My heart hurts in the worst possible way我的心疼得很厉害 You came first but now we have to go our separate ways你先来到我的世...
【中字】Dax - My Heart Hurts 硬核快嘴的DAX这次也柔情了一把!还挺好听[喵喵]
Dax My Eyes Bleed - Dax Lyrics by:Daniel Nwosu Jr Composed by:Daniel Nwosu Jr My eyes bleed I don't cry no more The pain that spills is tainted filled with my sorrows And when I speak My words write my wrongs I pray one day the pain will stay inside these songs Know when we star...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
My heart is broke But you knew that would happen When you gave him yours I hope you know this hurts and it shakes me Right to my core Somethings you cannot take back I'm not perfect but I tried so don't you even say that