During those months I nodded off at the wheel at a traffic intersection (my head hitting the side window to wake me up); I changed lanes on a highway without knowing, and I drove off from a service station without paying for petrol, prompting a visit at work from the local constabulary...
Instead, I continue to keep my head down and focus on the picture I’m trying to draw, letting the lines blur and permitting only my silence to scream that I’m hurting. Share this: Facebook Pinterest Twitter LinkedIn Email Reddit StumbleUpon More Loading... Posted in General Thoughts, ...
What will I do if I find out that all of my memories are not real? I don’t want a life without those people in it. At this point I drove myself back out to that house and had to figure out what my next step was. My head was hurting and I was exhausted. ...
They talk about me like I’m here, they talk about you like you was That nurse came into my room, she told me I’m sick in the head I’m in hip-hop’s hospital bed with a pad and a pen and a brace on my neck They told me that I’m never leaving. Why? I am as ill as...
My heart is hurting so bad no one can make me believe this is real Father God I pray that you send clarity over this cause I just don't understand My heart hurts it's broken no one can convince me that this is real... Prayer warriors please pray real hard for his only child, his...
Inspired by the kind gesture, many people contacted the school headmaster to make ___ “It makes me so proud of my kids that they have touched your hearts along with mine, ”Rachel said. “Your ___ in offering gifts to both the students and me and your donations to our school have ...
As I reflect on what may have been going on in Mr Redwood’s head, given that in his position, he could be considered to be amongst the most fortunate in Jamaica. No doubt he is an educated man, had a reasonable decent and high profile job and as a politician he would have been af...
): All Might dashes towards the enemy, keeping his hand flat, and strikes the enemy over the head with a reverse karate chop. This move is first used against Habit Headgear.[46] Nebraska Smash (ネブラスカスマッシュ Neburasuka Sumasshu?): After throwing a punch, All Might rotates ...
Hannah Linder creates amazing characters in this story with twists and turns that will have your head spinning from early in the story. It is impossible to figure out the plot, because every time I thought I had it all figured out, here comes a different twist or turn in the story that...
scold your cat for meowing. scaring or hurting your cat will only teach them to fear you and harm your bond . do not scold your cat for meowing. instead, simply do not reward the behavior. look the other way, engage in some other activity, and don't give your cat attention until ...