random-tractA Python hack to respond to a Twitter challenge to "select a random geographic point in the US, with the probability weighted by population." repodescription dotfilesMy configuration files ebook-exportsExport the e.e. cummings free poetry archive to a variety of ebook formats ...
+live-point +golekmp3 +dogber1 +galleriajs +mombasa411 +toniguns +tutifri +doyankue +ica24 +duralaponi +stylescout +pagi2buta +haniftomok +lamodern +nfswshow +xyutopian +jp917 +pathanruet +uc1n-klik +johnkstuff +dayquote +bhoomplay +aamcquay +zawminoosg +i-serye +pattah12 +hahha...
When I made it through all the boxes, I had filled a couple of paper and cardboard recycling tubs, loaded up bags destined for Goodwill, filled up this week’s garbage and began to sub-divide the “Do something with this later stuff.” Those piles became, “Maybe the Seattle History m...
Thank you for offering such great welfare entitlements, unemployment benefits, food stamps and the free stuff so people can just give up on finding meaningful work. Why work with all the Obama cash around? Vote for me and you live off the other workers for free. Thanks for putting the word...
Alice:Easy. You take all of your feelings, and you bury them deep down inside, and you cover them up with a layer of "people die all the time", and then you sprinkle on some "he probably did bad stuff, too", and then you pack it down with a nice little bit of "he might have...
Stuff sth.. 狼吞虎咽地吃……例句 Are you hungry? I could stuff a whole chicken down my stomach right now. 你饿了么? 我现在能把一只整鸡塞进肚子里。 2.Put sb. on the spot = put sb. in a difficult situation 让……难堪,让…下不来台。例句 The teacher put me on the spot today ...
t understand at first. He treats them as financial instruments. Until now, I didn’t understand that loans aren’t purely a thing to be avoided unless desperate. They can be used tomakemoney. It seems “the rich” frequently use loans to do stuff without selling the things they want to...
Not like a drinking problem, I mean I just love a good beer or two after a round or on football Sunday. As a general rule the best alcohols to consume from a calorie control standpoint is the hard stuff, whiskey, vodka, etc., and a neat Jim Beam Black works for me so that will ...
With all the stuff I did to be able to golf at home it really helped my game even though I was limited to actual play once or twice a week if I was lucky. Now working from home, I can start up the Sim and at lunchtime I can play nine. Eventually when the grass grows in, I'...
For three weeks, as the ship made its way slowly out into the Pacific, the port and starboard watches chipped, tarred and stowed the mooring chains, and trimmed the cargo in the forehold, wheeling the stinking choking stuff barrow by barrow to the after hatch to dump. They reeved off ne...