Grammarly也可以查重,但相对于turnitin,查的不是那么的全。 Grammarly 还支持chrome 和 safari 插件,下载之后,给教授写email的时候它也可以帮你查语法错误,还会告诉你,你现在写的内容听起来是什么语调,帮助你了解自己写的内容,在教授眼里够不够礼貌 平常其实免费版就够用了,但如果有比较重要的essay,也可以充一个会员...
If you are a Grammarly Pro, Grammarly Premium, Grammarly Business, or Grammarly for Education user, you can check your document for plagiarism. To do that, open any document inthe Grammarly Editorand clickCheck for AI text & plagiarismin the upper-right corner: When your text is checked for ...
The Paraphraser reduced the number of words by 54 but maintained the same number of errors (23) in its own grammar checker. At least in Grammarly, the number of errors was reduced from 53 to 50, but that’s still not great. This just means that you’ll still need to run your rewrit...
coollabsio/safetyper - A Grammarly alternative where you own what you type on your keyboard. LaurieWired/beautifying_android_native_code - This repo contains the APK to follow along with my "Beautifying Android Native Code" Video on Youtube LaurieWired/ReverseEngineeringAndroidMalware - This contain...
Research, write, cite 2x faster with AI text, grammar checks, reference finder, paraphrasing & more! 3.2(25 ratings) Free Get it now Grammarly for Microsoft WordGrammarly WordCompose clear, mistake-free writing with Grammarly for Microsoft Word on Mac. 4.7(10480 ratings) Additional purchase may...