登陆澳洲两个月了,落地三天就申请了税号(TFN),但是今天才想起来连接my gov。就来记录一下我是如何申请税号并且没有tax reference number(申请完税号就会给你寄信,信上的reference number要牢记)英语羸弱如何连接成功my gov的! 01 打开谷歌搜索ATO,点击红圈。 最后所有信息都填写完毕,点击submit提交。 一定一定一定截...
当前报税期中,逾一百四十万纳税人将使用澳洲税务局(ATO)新推出的MyTax服务,从而减少完成报税所需的时间和精力。 ATO副局长称:“MyTax是更为简化的全新线上报税应用程式,专为税务事项简单明了的人士设计。我们深知,人们希望尽可能轻松地报税;MyTax让您能够快速方便地在平板电脑、智能手机和任何电脑上报税。” MyTax...
1、在线www.ato.gov.au/onlineordering; 2、拨打1300 720 092(提及NAT71050); 3、从ATO办事点领取(将不再在报亭提供)。 1、若要有关报税的更多资讯,请造访www.ato.gov.au/Individuals/Lodging-your-tax-return 2、若需以多达25种语言获得一般性税务资讯,请造访www.ato.gov.au/otherlanguages 3、若报税人...
1.若要有关报税的更多资讯,请造访www.ato.gov.au/Individuals/Lodging-your-tax-return2.若需以多达25种语言获得一般性税务资讯,请造访www.ato.gov.au/otherlanguages3.若报税人不说英文并要与税务官员交谈,请致电13 14 50与翻译及传译服务处(TIS)连络以寻求帮助。 二. 澳洲房产投资者报税指导 2013-14财年...
The tax ID number on my invoice is incorrect. How can I correct it? Can I place my billing on hold? What are the billing frequency options offered by Oracle? Can I receive my cloud services invoice in advance? Does Oracle provide pro forma invoices? How do I dispute an invoice? Why ...
Also make sure you apply for the non-working spouse tax return and the child benefit explained in my blog. 2. Most Indians live in Amstelveen. But this area is very expensive. Almere is an alternative. Indian population is growing here and also has international school. Stay close to the...
SOURCE:Coronavirus outbreak: Can we ever return to normal during or after the COVID-19 pandemic? REPORTER:As a global community we’ve experienced a once-in-a-lifetime event that will shift and reshape our behaviors and perceptions for quite some time. ...
houseis because either (a) you are using your own money, and (b) the rental rate is so far above your holding costs that your net profit is better than any other investment alternative on a return-on-cash basis. Otherwise, if you are buying a house near or at market price, one ...
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The ATO hotline to verify if contact is genuine is 1800 008 540 and the Scamwatch website (scamwatch.gov.au) is also a useful up-to-date reference of current scams. 5. Speak to Your Local Chartered Accountant “If you have any concerns or que...