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MyGolfSpy 2023 Golf Ball Test FAQQ: Why did you choose the Pro V1 as your calibration ball? Q: What’s the right compression for my swing speed? Q: Does handicap matter when choosing a golf ball? Q: Does temperature change the results of the test? Q: How do I find the right ...
Posted January 9, 2023 For everyone making goals, I encourage you to make a plan for each goal and you write them down... accountability!! Remember - a goal without a plan is just a dream. GolfSpy_APH, cksurfdude, Micah T and 4 others 6 1 Quote “We don’t stop playing...
根据“MyGolfSpy”第三方高尔夫球具测评网站,2020年市场上最好的测距仪是“倍视能高尔夫”(Bushnell)PRO XE,而TOUR V5 SHIFT和TOUR V5分列第三名和第四名。为什么倍视能高尔夫有这么高的评分?以下就让我们来看一下“MyGolfSpy”的评选。 注释:精确、速度、光学、显示、特色之中的数字表示的是该款型的...
JoinedNov 2023 PostedMarch 1 On 3/2/2024 at 4:52 AM,Golfspy_CG2said: So a fun update: Got in a new GD VR shaft with an All Fit adapter yesterday. So if you've read above, I have two GD shafts that have worked well for me, The Di 5 in my TSR and the new AD CQ...
“MyGolfSpy”解释了他们对测距仪的评判标准: (1)精确性 很显然,如果测距仪不精确,那么它一无是处,所以这是头号标准。“MyGolfSpy”指出其测评的测距仪,相互之间的差距都在5码之内。可是他们看重激光每次读数的结果都一样,不仅要精确,而且要一致,只有这样才能给高尔夫球手信心。而2020年,倍视能高尔夫的上述三款...
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