先登录账号1,在已经登录的情况下点击[保存当前账号],填写对应的名字保存即可。 再注销账号1,登录账号2,同上操作保存账号。 然后在游戏退出后就可以随意选中已保存的账号,点击[切换选中账号],再运行游戏默认登录的就是选中的账号。 注意要使用 切换时自动重启原神 的功能时,必须选择原神安装路径才能使用。正常情况下程...
trading my genshin account AR59 for wuwa or maybe hsr /u/IntelligentTrifle907 Offline # #/IntelligentTrifle907 # . #1 /u/IntelligentTrifle907, Yesterday at 4:33 PM This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days. ...
What my genshin account looks like根性无 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多97 -- 0:21 App 快说,谢谢散兵! 242 -- 2:43 App 感谢叶桑给我登龙的勇气awa 1.9万 3 0:23 App 活力魅魔∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ 7702 32 1:39 App 【原神】✨纳塔纳塔纳塔虎视眈耽✨ 7070 21 2:03...
I think I havent given up my discord account yet. I have read through many of the forums here and I have ran my FRST64 scan. Here is my FRST.txt result. I am hoping I could get a fix list or see if there is any malware detected on my pc? I am scared to even...
✅ How can I get my game back/to work again?:Hello. I recently had Genshin Impact on my computer and now it keeps saying all of this and I really don't know how to fix this. Not even my task...
Chat how much is my Genshin account worth /u/Melly_mel657 Online 5 stars I won: ganyu, kazuha, shenhe, chiori, wanderer, ayaka, chlorinde, cyno, nahida, Mulani, furina, ayato, kokomi, Lyney, c2 Mona, c2 keqing, jean, qiqi, c1 tighnari, dehya and diluc 5 stars weapon: skyward...