My game is fair play! 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2019-06-22 22:32回复 德卡的朋友- 东亚队长 11 说实话 有些上海球迷 确实觉得这有点过激 。毕竟都是上海的 来自Android客户端3楼2019-06-22 22:43 收起回复 yanyannicoll 国足主力 12 ...
字面上的意思是 我的游戏是公正的 解释为 一场公平的比赛
【怀旧贴】重温经典~..经典强队实力可分为三档三档:罗马(托蒂领衔)瓦伦(艾马尔和托妞) 德国(在实况8就是渣渣,和现实不一样,估计Konami和德国有仇) 荷兰(罗本斯内德范法都还小) 西班牙(无强力前锋)切尔西(无甚亮点
MY GAME IS..这就是FIFA的公平竞赛旗的口号。昨晚之前,我一直坚信国际足联不是中国足协,但是我错了,他们比中国足协还黑,他们每场比赛开头打着公平竞赛的旗子却干出极为不公平的事。足协也没有这么厚脸皮啊!!!
Then I went away, and let the game run in the background while I did other things. So while my Steam playtime is impressive, I have spent only a handful of the nominal 160 hours actually in control! The fun, for me, was in devising a system that could run smoothly on its own. ...
62 Proton Compatibility tool for Steam Play based on Wine and additional components ValveSoftware 25260 63 tdesktop Telegram Desktop messaging app telegramdesktop 26839 64 luanti Luanti (formerly Minetest) is an open source voxel game-creation platform with easy modding and game creation luanti-org...
That's plenty of range to stand up for work during the day and lounge back to game during the night. That also makes the Magnus Pro XL the best standing desk, for our money. Why buy something that's purely a standing desk when you can have both options in one?
It feels great to use in-game, too, providing you with all the possible control permutations you could need without ever having to go near your keyboard again. The only slight miss, and one that owes to its A-10C Warthog replica status, is the lack of Z-rotation on the stick offering...
JAY So go open a can of whup-ass on that little fuck, and get me his game! Silent Bob sighs and stands. He climbs over Jay into the aisle and stands in front of the child. He looks at him and registers doubt. He looks back to Jay, who waves him on. Silent Bob steels himself...
Play fetch, tug of war or a game of hide-and-seek-the-bird-toy. Have your parrot clamber all over you and the furniture to get that toy back, incidentally giving your parrot good exercise and putting you in the ‘fun’ category of people. ]]> false 2017...