The AMC1200 only provides “basic insulation“; that is, it will provide protection from electric shock as long as its insulation barrier is not damaged (in other words, there is no redundancy). Circuits that have terminals that can be directly touched by humans needs “reinforced” or “doub...
适用于三星 S20 A20 A50 A01 J7 T550 S10 NOTE USB 充电 尾插口 广州励凡电子商行 6年 回头率: 36.8% 广东 广州市 ¥4.50 成交14个 适用于 三星A10尾插SM-A105F尾插小板充电口耳机小板送话器Charge 广州市博瑞电子商务商行 4年 回头率: 33% 广东 深圳市福田区 ¥11.40 成交41个 适...