my friend, samantha l., 36, wrote back, recounting an experience where one match asked her for dating advice. people are clearly telling their matches about their robust dating lives, whether that’s in the form of asking for dating advice or straight-up venting about being overwhelmed. “i...
The fitness thing of this event was going to be yoga withElisa Joan. I was reminded by a friend to bring my yoga mat, but I totally forgot. Elizabeth offered to share her mat with me, but I decided to look in my car to see if I had a beach towel or something. I didn’t have...
Being paired with a celebrity who was her first love, the man who ghosted her at the worst possible time in her life, only proves what Ashna has always believed: leaps of faith are a recipe for disaster. FIFA winning soccer star Rico Silva isn’t too happy to be paired up with Ashna ...
I’ve had a lot of luck with finding jobs through people I know or people I previously worked for. Mycurrent box office jobis through a friend who worked for the company. Mycontract jobis through an old boss of mine. And my will call job (which is usually one day every other month ...
“I was ghosted once,” she laughs. “With others, we had in-person convos or phone calls. There are lots of ways people can decide not to work together, but for me personally, I most appreciated when there was a clear go or no-go date, and we had one or two direct conve...
So when a friend of mine propositioned me about a solid job opening, I was compelled to consider applying for the position. The job was completely unrelated to anything I had my professional sights set on, but I figured the responsible thing to do was apply for the job and accept my lot...
“old” people desperate to find a way to get hired besides listening to someone flipantly telling them to “smile and dial”. However, something tells me that if your wise old friend were to write such a book it would be packed full of “It’s your attitude” propaganda which would ...
I never got the chance to meet him or say goodbye properly. I am not really sure where to go and what to do. We planned to get married after I graduated from college. I have lost my best friend and my future. The only person I would go to for comfort in a situation like this ...