It's not possible to split a purchase of a bundle so that you can send part of it to a friend and keep a part for yourself. Generally, the items that are available as a bundle can be purchased separately at the same time. You can use these separate offers to send your friend the ...
Fortnite and GASShooter handle gun ammo this way. For a gun, store the max clip size, current ammo in clip, reserve ammo, etc directly as replicated floats (COND_OwnerOnly) on the gun instance. If weapons share reserve ammo, you would move the reserve ammo onto the character as an ...
It is likely that you’re receiving this error due to using a mobile device or the default settings in the Safari browser. We highly recommend that you complete your Tax Interview using Google Chrome and not use a mobile device. If you...
✅ My pc keep shutting down when playing fortnite. Runtimebroker.exe:it has shutdown 4 times, and in event viewer it says The process C:\Windows\System32\RuntimeBroker.exe DESKTOP-ADV63RF has initiated the restart of...