使用 MyFitnessPal 跟踪膳食、了解您的习惯并实现您的目标。 免费入门 录入1400 多万种食物。 查看卡路里和营养成分的细目列表、对比份量的大小,并探索您所摄入的食物如何支持您实现目标。 达成目标要使用的工具 想要减重、健壮、降低 BMI 还是想投资于全身健康?我们将向您提供最适合您使用的功能。 学习。跟踪。改善...
Whoop has become a benchmark for sleep tracking testing on Wareable and offers one of the best experiences, alongside Oura and Fitbit. Sleep performance is displayed as a percentage of your sleep need, so it’s not just about getting 8 hours every single night. If your sleep need is low,...
but I increased the incline periodically and was at a 9 incline before surgery. I believe that being a bit more fit was super beneficial in my recovery. Exercising for 30 minutes a day is a great way to stay healthy and keep cancer at bay. I’m back on the treadmill and am working ...
Rapsodo is a Whoop Strap or FitBit for Your Golf Game No, it’s not a wearable. It doesn’t track your heart rate on three-footers and they disguise it to look like a mobile launch monitor (MLM). But after a test session, I’m convinced this product is a complete health tracker ...
Although my dead phone was an Android, I figured that Apple would be my best route to get re-connected, so I bought an iPhone 7 Plus in San Francisco. Being a longtime user of activity trackers (Fitbit Charge HR,Polar M400,Polar M600, and even theHuawei Watch), I also decided to bu...