Rather than wake me up early (he makes lots of jokes about how much I *love* sleeping but really I think he’s just jealous because he gets so little) he instead dropped off some treasures on my porch on my birthday before work. Roses… … pumpkin cold brew and a cinnamon roll On...
I am less than 1 month to being half way through my 30s. Now I remember your 30s. You were always surrounded by friends, whether it was playing yahtzee on a weeknight or a big fiesta. Your birthdays were always an affair. It must be where my appreciation for a birthday celebration came...
My mom is busy granny-ing it up. Every time we go over there she has a new onesie or toy to show us. Last time it was a onesie that said “Gram is my BFF” X__X This woman. P.S.You still have time to enter the giveaway to win $1,000.Damn right I’ma link to it unti...
We have all pressed on past a breakup, joining five new clubs, losing a medication, a disagreement over a car, the first family birthday where she was not present and the “hardest test” she has ever taken. And she and we have made it through okay. It appears that she is doing bett...
Well, it’s my birthday, so I can be giggly if I… Share this: Facebook Twitter Continue Reading → Exercise, Health, Lifestyle and Culture Yoga, High Lunging to a Happy Place This morning was the first time in a long while that I performed the entire 60-minute yoga exercise routine...
Today's my first day of work in the Manual Labor job.This is also my last weekend before my young adult birthday.I ask Mila for a pre-work aromatherapy massage.The youngest Kahale, Santos, learns how to garden.It's something every junior member of the household learns to do.In the ...
My birthday was also this week on my 25 week mark. Hello 34! This was the first bday in many, many years that was not sad and depressing. Sooooo thankful! How Far Along: 25 weeks 3 days How Big is Baby: 11 days ago Keytar was weighing in at 1 lb. 9 oz. He/She is now ...
It’s been 5 weeks and 6 days since we had Will’s birthday dinner. At his request, we went to his favourite restaurant and had an indulgent family dinner. I had just hours earlier cancelled my upcoming trip; the following day we would make the call to cancel my first big work gig ...
But I had to get a closeup shot first, as I knew it wouldn’t stay this pretty for very long: A few seconds later, after being stirred a bit, and after Talisa threw the spoons in: And in less than a minute it was pretty much all stirred together! I want to try this again with...
May – Noah’s ear tube surgery! Noah’s first birthday (Noah’s ark themed, yeah yeah I know, I figured it was the only year I could get away with being corny with his name without him complaining about it ) Noah on his birthday morning getting ready for tube surgery ...